Fuck you to EVERY SINGLE PERSON laughing at Shia LeBeouf.
Fuck you to EVERY SINGLE PERSON gleefully cackling about how he isn't following the Good Rape Victim Script (™ & ©) of how survivors are "supposed" to behave if they're telling the truth.
Fuck you to Piers Morgan, who was already a shitmaggot to begin with, for all but ordering his millions of followers to not believe Shia and to ridicule him.
Fuck you to all the salivating rape apologists desperate to protect rape culture who are jumping on Shia because they think the SJW's will only cry foul if they attack female survivors who fail to realize that their rape apologism makes them pondscum regardless of the gender/biology of the victim they're shitting on.
Fuck you if you utter any of the following things when discussing Shia's claims;
- "Pfft, men can't be raped"
- "If it REALLY happened he'd have called the police"
- "REAL survivors aren't so calm when discussing it. REAL survivors are weepy and trembly when they talk about it"
- "Oh he's just saying it to get attention, what a drama queen he is"
And most importantly, fuck you, just seriously fuck you right in the ear to high hell, if you just automatically dismiss his claim for ANY reason, because that is perpetuating Rape Culture, and if you willfully perpetuate rape culture I don't want to fucking know you.
I believe Shia LeBeouf. I believe ALL people of ANY gender who are brave enough to step forward in this world that shames and shits on survivors and say out loud "I was raped".
The Latest Sleazy Bullshit from MRAs/GamerGaters
So... the latest skeevy ploy from MRAs and GamerGaters to vilify the women and men who call out their misogyny? Accuse SJW's of being Pro Child Molestation because of a 4 year old Gawker article that had the guts to be publicly saying that pedophiles need serious therapy.
Yes, because being mature enough to acknowledge pedophiles are sick and need help is TOTES the same thing as being pro kiddie diddling. *smacks self*
Seriously, the logical fallacy and cognitive hoop-jumping dissonance required to make such a mindnumbingly idiotic leap astounds me. That's like saying I'm pro rape if I say rapists need serious psychiatric help. Supporting a sick offender needing psychiatric intervention is NOTHING EVEN REMOTELY the same as supporting their crimes. Only the hugest and densest of complete fucking idiots would make such a connection.
I was molested. Would these idiots REALLY say I'm "Pro-molestation" if I say my uncle needed help? Because if he'd gotten psychiatric help for his urges? HE MIGHT NOT HAVE FUCKING EVER HURT ME IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE!!! He might ALSO not be dead now, as he was found having hung himself in a closet when he was 17. His urges CLEARLY bothered him with guilt and no one on my father's side of my family was listening to his cries for help or trying to help him or even acknowledging anything was wrong.
How is that so goddamn hard for the MRAs and the GamerGaters who hate SJW's so much to fucking understand? Easy. They understand it perfectly well. But they also know how easy it is to just say "child-molester" and get the average joe riled up with blind rage. What this is, is blatant and intentional misrepresentation of ONE article to vilify the entire movement, to paint a distraction target on the people they fear for calling out their privilege, so others will stop focusing on THEM.
This is a bunch of selfish sexist manchild assholes lashing out with made-up bullshit because they're comfortable at the top of the food chain and don't want to have to grow up or share their toys.
And like EVERYTHING else Gamergaters and MRAs say or do, it is morally and intellectually dishonest, and frankly, outright repulsive.
Yes, because being mature enough to acknowledge pedophiles are sick and need help is TOTES the same thing as being pro kiddie diddling. *smacks self*
Seriously, the logical fallacy and cognitive hoop-jumping dissonance required to make such a mindnumbingly idiotic leap astounds me. That's like saying I'm pro rape if I say rapists need serious psychiatric help. Supporting a sick offender needing psychiatric intervention is NOTHING EVEN REMOTELY the same as supporting their crimes. Only the hugest and densest of complete fucking idiots would make such a connection.
I was molested. Would these idiots REALLY say I'm "Pro-molestation" if I say my uncle needed help? Because if he'd gotten psychiatric help for his urges? HE MIGHT NOT HAVE FUCKING EVER HURT ME IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE!!! He might ALSO not be dead now, as he was found having hung himself in a closet when he was 17. His urges CLEARLY bothered him with guilt and no one on my father's side of my family was listening to his cries for help or trying to help him or even acknowledging anything was wrong.
How is that so goddamn hard for the MRAs and the GamerGaters who hate SJW's so much to fucking understand? Easy. They understand it perfectly well. But they also know how easy it is to just say "child-molester" and get the average joe riled up with blind rage. What this is, is blatant and intentional misrepresentation of ONE article to vilify the entire movement, to paint a distraction target on the people they fear for calling out their privilege, so others will stop focusing on THEM.
This is a bunch of selfish sexist manchild assholes lashing out with made-up bullshit because they're comfortable at the top of the food chain and don't want to have to grow up or share their toys.
And like EVERYTHING else Gamergaters and MRAs say or do, it is morally and intellectually dishonest, and frankly, outright repulsive.
In the Event of My Suicide
None of you are going to like this post, but I'm posting it anyway to give you all fair warning.
Some of you may have noticed a significant drop in how chatty I am of late. Those of you who used to get PM'sd from me daily now talk to me more and more rarely. I post less on Facebook and just straight share more without adding my commentary. How I've just been slowly getting less and less my chatty mouthy self.
You all know I'm basically terminally ill. I suffer from a laundry list of ailments that, individually aren't lethal if properly treated, like my diabetes (which is actually well controlled), or my epilepsy, but that, altogether with my Porphyria and my Fibro mean it's only a matter of time before my life becomes physically unlivable.
I've spoken before about my daily thoughts of suicide just to escape the physical suffering I endure every day, that I keep fighting through it and don't kill myself so I don't hurt all of you.
Most of you though, have, and I'm certain it was not easy for you to say, given me your blessing to do what's best for me even if it results in your sadness. Even my own mother Trish, who has already outlived two of my brothers, has looked me in the eye and told me that she gives me her blessing to end my suffering when it reaches a point where I feel I just don't have it in me to keep fighting.
Well that point is getting very close. I decided awhile back that when I devolve to the point where the pain is so constant and excruciating and crippling that I;
- Can't move even the littlest bit without verbally reacting to the pain
- spend more of my days crying unmoving than doing ANYTHING else at all
- can't wipe my own ass properly
- Can't stand up straight
- Can't walk more than 5 feet without tears
- Can't cook even the simplest meals for myself without getting completely exhausted
- basically when I can no longer take care of myself or my pets without assistance
Well, that's when I start making sure all my pets have good loving homes, make arrangements for my body, make my goodbye videos for everyone I love and care about, and end my life on my terms while I still have some dignity left.
And I'm sorry, I truly am, but my health is declining worse than ever, more rapidly, and I genuinely believe that time is not very far away.
Wiping in the bathroom has become a struggle. I can still DO it, but not without tears. I struggle physically just to get out of my bed to go do anything. I have to give up my more involved cooking, as standing over the counter for the prep work leaves me screaming, sobbing and exhausted. Even simpler things like slicing cheese for grilled cheese sandwiches or beating eggs for scrambled eggs exhaust me now. My weight is going up again because walking hurts too much to go out every night anymore. Sometimes I end up in tears just reaching out to pet one of my cats. Everything hurts and it never eases up anymore. I used to have high pain and low pain days. I haven't had a functional low-pain day in weeks. And pain medication has no effect. My doctor recently upgraded me to HydroMorphine, the most powerful pain medication a doctor can legally prescribe in Canada. And it does NOTHING. So I've given up all hope of treatment.
I honestly don't know how much time I have left before I devolve to the point that I've described. It may still be months away. But we ARE talking months, not years. Unless something happens and my health takes a sudden and unlikely upswing, I'm almost out of spoons.
So I'm giving everyone fair warning now. I'm going to be recording goodbye videos for those who matter most to me and making arrangements for the DVD's I make to be mailed to those who matter. If you want such a video after I'm gone, I'm going to need mailing addresses. And if you want to be on the list of people to be notified afterwards, I'll need e-mails and/or phone numbers. Whichever you feel most comfortable with. And I'll be giving my mom these arrangements to make sure everyone who matters is on the list, so no one is left wondering why one day I just stopped talking to everyone.
If you want to be on my "Notification of my Passing" list, or to receive a DVD Goodbye video from me personally, please e-mail the appropriate contact information to theaerie@shaw.ca and you will be added to the list.
I'm sorry.
I love you all.
Some of you may have noticed a significant drop in how chatty I am of late. Those of you who used to get PM'sd from me daily now talk to me more and more rarely. I post less on Facebook and just straight share more without adding my commentary. How I've just been slowly getting less and less my chatty mouthy self.
You all know I'm basically terminally ill. I suffer from a laundry list of ailments that, individually aren't lethal if properly treated, like my diabetes (which is actually well controlled), or my epilepsy, but that, altogether with my Porphyria and my Fibro mean it's only a matter of time before my life becomes physically unlivable.
I've spoken before about my daily thoughts of suicide just to escape the physical suffering I endure every day, that I keep fighting through it and don't kill myself so I don't hurt all of you.
Most of you though, have, and I'm certain it was not easy for you to say, given me your blessing to do what's best for me even if it results in your sadness. Even my own mother Trish, who has already outlived two of my brothers, has looked me in the eye and told me that she gives me her blessing to end my suffering when it reaches a point where I feel I just don't have it in me to keep fighting.
Well that point is getting very close. I decided awhile back that when I devolve to the point where the pain is so constant and excruciating and crippling that I;
- Can't move even the littlest bit without verbally reacting to the pain
- spend more of my days crying unmoving than doing ANYTHING else at all
- can't wipe my own ass properly
- Can't stand up straight
- Can't walk more than 5 feet without tears
- Can't cook even the simplest meals for myself without getting completely exhausted
- basically when I can no longer take care of myself or my pets without assistance
Well, that's when I start making sure all my pets have good loving homes, make arrangements for my body, make my goodbye videos for everyone I love and care about, and end my life on my terms while I still have some dignity left.
And I'm sorry, I truly am, but my health is declining worse than ever, more rapidly, and I genuinely believe that time is not very far away.
Wiping in the bathroom has become a struggle. I can still DO it, but not without tears. I struggle physically just to get out of my bed to go do anything. I have to give up my more involved cooking, as standing over the counter for the prep work leaves me screaming, sobbing and exhausted. Even simpler things like slicing cheese for grilled cheese sandwiches or beating eggs for scrambled eggs exhaust me now. My weight is going up again because walking hurts too much to go out every night anymore. Sometimes I end up in tears just reaching out to pet one of my cats. Everything hurts and it never eases up anymore. I used to have high pain and low pain days. I haven't had a functional low-pain day in weeks. And pain medication has no effect. My doctor recently upgraded me to HydroMorphine, the most powerful pain medication a doctor can legally prescribe in Canada. And it does NOTHING. So I've given up all hope of treatment.
I honestly don't know how much time I have left before I devolve to the point that I've described. It may still be months away. But we ARE talking months, not years. Unless something happens and my health takes a sudden and unlikely upswing, I'm almost out of spoons.
So I'm giving everyone fair warning now. I'm going to be recording goodbye videos for those who matter most to me and making arrangements for the DVD's I make to be mailed to those who matter. If you want such a video after I'm gone, I'm going to need mailing addresses. And if you want to be on the list of people to be notified afterwards, I'll need e-mails and/or phone numbers. Whichever you feel most comfortable with. And I'll be giving my mom these arrangements to make sure everyone who matters is on the list, so no one is left wondering why one day I just stopped talking to everyone.
If you want to be on my "Notification of my Passing" list, or to receive a DVD Goodbye video from me personally, please e-mail the appropriate contact information to theaerie@shaw.ca and you will be added to the list.
I'm sorry.
I love you all.
Quality of Life,
Self-Confidence is a Wonderful Thing
So all you lot who know me know that I am, or at least prior to my surgery was, a huge bundle of various insecurities. But whilst talking to a beloved, something occurred to me. One insecurity I haven't had since my teens.
It's funny. My sexual and social confidence has bloomed greatly since my testicle removal surgery. My body feels right, I'm happy, I feel more right in my own skin. To coin a witty phrase, I have more balls now that I had my balls removed than I ever had when I had balls, lol.
And with that blossoming confidence, comes self-realization.
And I have suddenly realized... I am actually cocky about my oral skills.
It's one sexual thing I've NEVER, since after my first time doing so, doubted or feared I'm no good at.
I mean, I've ALWAYS feared I couldn't please a lover with just Miss Clitty alone, despite her girthyness, because she doesn't always last long. But I realize now that the only time I EVER had insecurities about my oral skills was the first time I did it, and those insecurities were very quickly quashed by the woman I did it to.
The first time I gave oral, I was 19, in Vernon, with an escort. She let me because I said I'd never done it before and wanted to try. Then almost immediately refused for a few minutes to believe I never had given oral before.THEN finally gave me my money back because she figured my giving her 8 orgasms in 7 minutes was more than enough payment.
So I guess I just from then on KNEW I was decent enough with my mouth. I don't THINK it. I actually 110% firmly KNOW it to be true. Because I have NEVER given a woman oral and NOT gotten a few "Oh my fucking god!" results.
So yes, dammit, I'm gonna brag. Because I'm Penny, my tongue is divine, my lips are ambrosia, and I WILL leave you a blissful gooey puddle if you let me. Because I'm THAT damned good. And with my confidence soaring post-op, I think it's well past time I had the confidence to BE confident.
I think I've earned the right to brag a little bit after four decades of being a carpet. Don't you agree?
oral sex,
positive thinking,
sexy bitch
Fuck the Bigots and Haters, This is Who and What I am!
I have real, natural 48 F breasts. I did not buy them from a surgeon. There is no plastic, no silicon. I grew them when I turned twelve. I am very proud of my breasts, and very comfortable showing them off.
Yet TERFs will and have repeatedly claimed my being proud of my breasts and willingness to show them off, (because no cis woman has EVER done that or felt that EVER right?), is proof that I am a male crossdressing autogynophile. Despite the APA long ago discrediting Autogynophilia as even being an actual real thing. It doesn't exist. I DO.
I was born with a uterus and a penis. I was born with one testicle and one ovary. I recently had the testicle removed. I was born with a tiny vaginal opening that a doctor surgically destroyed and sealed up.
Yet TERFs, (none of whom are actual doctors or biology experts. NOT A GODDAMNED ONE), will shout in my face telling me "Intersex doesn't work that way liar! You're just a confused man!"
I have no sex drive. I rarely masturbate if at all, and prior to my recent surgery only to make unwanted erections go away. I don't date, I don't pursue anyone, I don't look for sex. I'm a Demisexual, meaning I can only even ENJOY sex if it's with someone I'm already emotionally connected to on a deeper level. I don't do one night stands or casual sex.
Yet TERFs inst I'm a "Pretendbian", that I'm a man crossdressing to con lesbians into hetero sex, to "trick" them into sexually interacting with a penis. Even though I NEVER ask or expect ANY of my sexual partners to even LOOK at it let alone touch it if they don't want to, and even though EVERY woman I have EVER had sex with knew EVERYTHING about my body going in and STILL chose to fuck me of THEIR OWN GODDAMN FREE WILL. But try telling TERFs that. To TERFs I'm just a rapist dressing in drag to trick poor unsuspecting lesbians into my bed so I can sexually assault with my evil penis.
Speaking of my penis, I still have it. This is not by choice. I still have it because a minor day surgery to remove a testicle can be done locally and all related expenses are fully covered by Pharmacare. Full SRS is an invasive surgery that in my state of physical health I would be highly unlikely to survive, cannot afford the non-surgical expenses, and cannot afford the airfare. Pharmacare pays ONLY for the SRS itself, not any travel or hospital costs outside of BC, And I would have to travel outside of BC to get it if I could find a doctor willing to ignore the likelihood of my not surviving the operation. So I long ago made peace with my penis. I'm stuck with it. It's permanent. I can either hate it and end up killing myself in dysmorphic despair, or I can accept it's just a body part and get the fuck over it. So I got over it. Besides, unless I'm aroused it looks like a normal cis female clitoris anyway.
Yet TERFs say that BECAUSE I accept my genital as is and made peace with them, it proves I'm not a real woman, because if I was really a woman NOTHING could make me accept having a penis, even though they don't think trans women who DO have SRS are "real" women either, and are thus directly contradicting themselves by saying so.
This. ALL of this. This is what I deal with EVERY FUCKING DAY. EVERY day TERFs and other transphobic assholes like MRAs attack who and what I am as a person, invalidate my body and my history, deny my personality and experience, and deem themselves more expert in who and what I really am than I myself am.
This is DAILY LIFE for me. And for so many other trans and intersexed women worldwide. This is the kind of derailing invalidating dehumanizing pure raw unadulterated HATRED we face every day just for EXISTING.
Go ahead, tell me I CHOSE to feel this way. Tell me I CHOSE to be a woman with boy parts because it just gets me horny. Tell me I CHOSE to live a life guaranteed to include the risk of being beaten to a pulp or even murdered every single day just by leaving my apartment.
Go on. Tell me that. I DARE you.
No one would EVER choose this. The only choice I ever made about my gender was to stop living in fear and denial and to just be who I really am.
I am a woman with factory extras I never asked for.
I am beautiful, strong, intelligent, compassionate and kind. I am selfless often to my own detriment. I only have sex with people I love and trust and feel safe with, and I HAVE no secrets about my body or who I am. I don't "trick or deceive" ANYONE. The women I've been with are not coerced or fooled or conned. They CHOSE to be with me. And they are not magically bi or straight for doing so, (unless they WERE bi to begin with). A lesbian who chooses to fuck me is still a lesbian because I AM A WOMAN.
I am NOT a crossdressing rapist. I am NOT a confused crossdresser. I am NOT a "Pretendbian". I am not ANY of the hateful transphobic narratives TERFs lob at my head every day.
I am Penny, hear me roar. And feel free to stare at my tits because FUCK the haters, my tits are EPIC.
Yet TERFs will and have repeatedly claimed my being proud of my breasts and willingness to show them off, (because no cis woman has EVER done that or felt that EVER right?), is proof that I am a male crossdressing autogynophile. Despite the APA long ago discrediting Autogynophilia as even being an actual real thing. It doesn't exist. I DO.
I was born with a uterus and a penis. I was born with one testicle and one ovary. I recently had the testicle removed. I was born with a tiny vaginal opening that a doctor surgically destroyed and sealed up.
Yet TERFs, (none of whom are actual doctors or biology experts. NOT A GODDAMNED ONE), will shout in my face telling me "Intersex doesn't work that way liar! You're just a confused man!"
I have no sex drive. I rarely masturbate if at all, and prior to my recent surgery only to make unwanted erections go away. I don't date, I don't pursue anyone, I don't look for sex. I'm a Demisexual, meaning I can only even ENJOY sex if it's with someone I'm already emotionally connected to on a deeper level. I don't do one night stands or casual sex.
Yet TERFs inst I'm a "Pretendbian", that I'm a man crossdressing to con lesbians into hetero sex, to "trick" them into sexually interacting with a penis. Even though I NEVER ask or expect ANY of my sexual partners to even LOOK at it let alone touch it if they don't want to, and even though EVERY woman I have EVER had sex with knew EVERYTHING about my body going in and STILL chose to fuck me of THEIR OWN GODDAMN FREE WILL. But try telling TERFs that. To TERFs I'm just a rapist dressing in drag to trick poor unsuspecting lesbians into my bed so I can sexually assault with my evil penis.
Speaking of my penis, I still have it. This is not by choice. I still have it because a minor day surgery to remove a testicle can be done locally and all related expenses are fully covered by Pharmacare. Full SRS is an invasive surgery that in my state of physical health I would be highly unlikely to survive, cannot afford the non-surgical expenses, and cannot afford the airfare. Pharmacare pays ONLY for the SRS itself, not any travel or hospital costs outside of BC, And I would have to travel outside of BC to get it if I could find a doctor willing to ignore the likelihood of my not surviving the operation. So I long ago made peace with my penis. I'm stuck with it. It's permanent. I can either hate it and end up killing myself in dysmorphic despair, or I can accept it's just a body part and get the fuck over it. So I got over it. Besides, unless I'm aroused it looks like a normal cis female clitoris anyway.
Yet TERFs say that BECAUSE I accept my genital as is and made peace with them, it proves I'm not a real woman, because if I was really a woman NOTHING could make me accept having a penis, even though they don't think trans women who DO have SRS are "real" women either, and are thus directly contradicting themselves by saying so.
This. ALL of this. This is what I deal with EVERY FUCKING DAY. EVERY day TERFs and other transphobic assholes like MRAs attack who and what I am as a person, invalidate my body and my history, deny my personality and experience, and deem themselves more expert in who and what I really am than I myself am.
This is DAILY LIFE for me. And for so many other trans and intersexed women worldwide. This is the kind of derailing invalidating dehumanizing pure raw unadulterated HATRED we face every day just for EXISTING.
Go ahead, tell me I CHOSE to feel this way. Tell me I CHOSE to be a woman with boy parts because it just gets me horny. Tell me I CHOSE to live a life guaranteed to include the risk of being beaten to a pulp or even murdered every single day just by leaving my apartment.
Go on. Tell me that. I DARE you.
No one would EVER choose this. The only choice I ever made about my gender was to stop living in fear and denial and to just be who I really am.
I am a woman with factory extras I never asked for.
I am beautiful, strong, intelligent, compassionate and kind. I am selfless often to my own detriment. I only have sex with people I love and trust and feel safe with, and I HAVE no secrets about my body or who I am. I don't "trick or deceive" ANYONE. The women I've been with are not coerced or fooled or conned. They CHOSE to be with me. And they are not magically bi or straight for doing so, (unless they WERE bi to begin with). A lesbian who chooses to fuck me is still a lesbian because I AM A WOMAN.
I am NOT a crossdressing rapist. I am NOT a confused crossdresser. I am NOT a "Pretendbian". I am not ANY of the hateful transphobic narratives TERFs lob at my head every day.
I am Penny, hear me roar. And feel free to stare at my tits because FUCK the haters, my tits are EPIC.
Why I "Feed the Trolls"
I'm frequently asked by friends both male and female, (who generally don't rock the boat or get involved in any kind of on or offline activism), why I don't just ignore trolls, why I "feed them" as it were.
I don't engage trolls to have any effect on the TROLLS. Unlike the trolls, I'm not an idiot. Whether it's an MRA being a sexist asshole, a TERF being an abusive transphobic twunt, a hyper conservative religious fundamentalist shitting on the chessboard, (500 points if you get the joke there), or just some juvenile loser being a douchebag for his own amusement, I KNOW that nothing I say or do will EVER, (barring one or two very rare exceptions), change the mind of the one trolling. I'm fully aware that nothing I say, no matter how rational, logical, factual and reasonable, will change what the trolls believe or make them stop being a dick.
I challenge them for the ones watching. The observers who aren't commenting but just reading. The ones who are sitting on the fence, who aren't well-versed or informed on the subject. When I see a troll spreading hateful lies and bullshit an uninformed fence sitter might mistake as fact, I call the troll out and rebuke their bullshit with facts. I tell the factual truth to counter their lies. I explain what feminism actually is, what misogyny means, who trans people actually are and the medical science behind it, and why a religious belief has no business dictating secular laws.
And I do it for the ones reading the exchange, who will see one person being a jerkass and see me calmly dissecting their claims, and hopefully learn both the truth from me, and how to spot a troll spreading hateful dishonesty.
And I know it works because I honestly cannot even COUNT how many times over the past nigh two decades someone has told me how informative I was and how much they learned that they didn't know before from reading my replies to trolls.
I engage the trolls so I can teach the audience. And it works. And if by responding trolls with facts and truth I can educate some good if naive people away from the hate and ignorance, then it's worth the abuse I have to wade through from the trolls to do it.
I don't engage trolls to have any effect on the TROLLS. Unlike the trolls, I'm not an idiot. Whether it's an MRA being a sexist asshole, a TERF being an abusive transphobic twunt, a hyper conservative religious fundamentalist shitting on the chessboard, (500 points if you get the joke there), or just some juvenile loser being a douchebag for his own amusement, I KNOW that nothing I say or do will EVER, (barring one or two very rare exceptions), change the mind of the one trolling. I'm fully aware that nothing I say, no matter how rational, logical, factual and reasonable, will change what the trolls believe or make them stop being a dick.
I challenge them for the ones watching. The observers who aren't commenting but just reading. The ones who are sitting on the fence, who aren't well-versed or informed on the subject. When I see a troll spreading hateful lies and bullshit an uninformed fence sitter might mistake as fact, I call the troll out and rebuke their bullshit with facts. I tell the factual truth to counter their lies. I explain what feminism actually is, what misogyny means, who trans people actually are and the medical science behind it, and why a religious belief has no business dictating secular laws.
And I do it for the ones reading the exchange, who will see one person being a jerkass and see me calmly dissecting their claims, and hopefully learn both the truth from me, and how to spot a troll spreading hateful dishonesty.
And I know it works because I honestly cannot even COUNT how many times over the past nigh two decades someone has told me how informative I was and how much they learned that they didn't know before from reading my replies to trolls.
I engage the trolls so I can teach the audience. And it works. And if by responding trolls with facts and truth I can educate some good if naive people away from the hate and ignorance, then it's worth the abuse I have to wade through from the trolls to do it.
Why Cathy Brennan and her TERFs are, in fact, TERRORISTS
ter·ror·ist [TEAR-er-ist] noun
1. a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
2. a person who terrorizes or frightens others.
ter·ror·ism [TEAR-uh-riz-uhm] noun
1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
ter·ror·ize [TEAR-er-rise] verb (used with object, ter·ror·ized, ter·ror·iz·ing.)
1. to fill or overcome with terror.
2. to dominate or coerce by intimidation.
Read these definitions. And then read these quotes. (Source; TERF Quotes)
TERF Activist and blooger Bev Jo: "They expect we’ll be shocked to see statistics about them being killed, and don’t realize, some of us wish they would ALL be dead."
TERF Blogger Luckynkl: "The male-born are biologically incomplete mutants, useless and obsolete; walking viruses on two legs and a cancer, spreading disease, death and destruction wherever they go. They are the walking-dead and the antithesis to life. Gyn-energy sucking vampires who have to plug into women and feed on them in order to survive. No different than a parasite who sucks the life and energy out of its host."
TERF Blogger Bonobabe: "Personally, I think we should do away with circumcision and replace it with castration."
TERF Blogger WhiteTiger: "If we’re going that road, why not just cull boy babies for awhile? Re-establish a sane balance. Then we can start selective breeding programs for donor males…" [To cull means to reduce the population of by selective slaughter.]
TERF Blogger JourneyMistress: "It might be well and good to “educate” them [males] but that seems to take decades. Only if you are dedicated to educating the Terminally Stupid should you embark on this…Detachment is the key to emotional survival in a world plagued by males. Otherwise you really do just want to shoot them on sight."
I'd paste more from TERFQuotes but I'm already nauseous just from those. If you have the stomach, click the link for more.
Other examples of TERF terrorism include fallout from having a conference cancelled in London once the venue owners realized the message the TERFs were promoting.
On that page you'll see TERF leader Cathy "Bug" Brennan engage in blatant terrorist tactics by trying to incite fear against trans women, ally men and women, and generally ANYONE contradicting her, including calling trans women "all men", and calling an enlightened young man a "rapist" for "violating her boundaries" by simply replying to her PUBLICLY POSTED HATE TWEETS.
Here, from Rational Wiki, is a collection of examples of Cathy Brennan's terrorist campaigns against Trans Women.
One example from that page; "The Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) is the ex-gay organization that stirred up the right wing world by claiming that a trans kid (whom we will refer to as Jane Doe, for reasons of privacy) in Colorado was harassing cisgender girls in the restrooms. Right wing media outlets jumped at the story without conducting any fact-checking, prompting members of the right wing community to call for the death of the trans kid. Cathy Brennan's Gender Identity Watch site jumped in to help the PJI attack the trans teen. The Pacific Justice Institute claims that "a male student, NAME CENSORED, who claims to be transgender, has allegedly harassed female students in the girls room at Florence High School." Even after Brennan learned that the teen was on suicide watch, she has left the teen's real name on her blog as well as updating it recently."
Here, Bitch Media examines the harm and hypocrisy of Brennan's tactics.
I could go on, but I think I've made my point.
One doesn't need to Strap on a bomb vest or fly a plane into a building to be a terrorist. One only needs to actively engage in campaigns of fearmongering to knowingly and intentionally incite a higher risk of violence against your chosen target. Like a KKK Grand Wizard never had to dirty his own hands with the blood of black folks because he incited other more gullible people into such fear and rage that they'd go do it for him, Brennan and her TERFs, however few they are, are doing that exact very thing; Appealing to the fears of gullible people with the intentional and malicious goal of getting trans women hurt or even murdered, while smugly believing their own hands are clean.
Now go back up to the top of the page, and reread those definitions.
And then tell me Brennan and her TERFs are not Terrorists in the purist definition of the word.
Click here to sign a petition to have Brennan's group Gender Identity Watch classified officially as a hate group.
ter·ror·ist [TEAR-er-ist] noun
1. a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
2. a person who terrorizes or frightens others.
ter·ror·ism [TEAR-uh-riz-uhm] noun
1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
ter·ror·ize [TEAR-er-rise] verb (used with object, ter·ror·ized, ter·ror·iz·ing.)
1. to fill or overcome with terror.
2. to dominate or coerce by intimidation.
Read these definitions. And then read these quotes. (Source; TERF Quotes)
TERF Activist and blooger Bev Jo: "They expect we’ll be shocked to see statistics about them being killed, and don’t realize, some of us wish they would ALL be dead."
TERF Blogger Luckynkl: "The male-born are biologically incomplete mutants, useless and obsolete; walking viruses on two legs and a cancer, spreading disease, death and destruction wherever they go. They are the walking-dead and the antithesis to life. Gyn-energy sucking vampires who have to plug into women and feed on them in order to survive. No different than a parasite who sucks the life and energy out of its host."
TERF Blogger Bonobabe: "Personally, I think we should do away with circumcision and replace it with castration."
TERF Blogger WhiteTiger: "If we’re going that road, why not just cull boy babies for awhile? Re-establish a sane balance. Then we can start selective breeding programs for donor males…" [To cull means to reduce the population of by selective slaughter.]
TERF Blogger JourneyMistress: "It might be well and good to “educate” them [males] but that seems to take decades. Only if you are dedicated to educating the Terminally Stupid should you embark on this…Detachment is the key to emotional survival in a world plagued by males. Otherwise you really do just want to shoot them on sight."
I'd paste more from TERFQuotes but I'm already nauseous just from those. If you have the stomach, click the link for more.
Other examples of TERF terrorism include fallout from having a conference cancelled in London once the venue owners realized the message the TERFs were promoting.
On that page you'll see TERF leader Cathy "Bug" Brennan engage in blatant terrorist tactics by trying to incite fear against trans women, ally men and women, and generally ANYONE contradicting her, including calling trans women "all men", and calling an enlightened young man a "rapist" for "violating her boundaries" by simply replying to her PUBLICLY POSTED HATE TWEETS.
Here, from Rational Wiki, is a collection of examples of Cathy Brennan's terrorist campaigns against Trans Women.
One example from that page; "The Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) is the ex-gay organization that stirred up the right wing world by claiming that a trans kid (whom we will refer to as Jane Doe, for reasons of privacy) in Colorado was harassing cisgender girls in the restrooms. Right wing media outlets jumped at the story without conducting any fact-checking, prompting members of the right wing community to call for the death of the trans kid. Cathy Brennan's Gender Identity Watch site jumped in to help the PJI attack the trans teen. The Pacific Justice Institute claims that "a male student, NAME CENSORED, who claims to be transgender, has allegedly harassed female students in the girls room at Florence High School." Even after Brennan learned that the teen was on suicide watch, she has left the teen's real name on her blog as well as updating it recently."
Here, Bitch Media examines the harm and hypocrisy of Brennan's tactics.
I could go on, but I think I've made my point.
One doesn't need to Strap on a bomb vest or fly a plane into a building to be a terrorist. One only needs to actively engage in campaigns of fearmongering to knowingly and intentionally incite a higher risk of violence against your chosen target. Like a KKK Grand Wizard never had to dirty his own hands with the blood of black folks because he incited other more gullible people into such fear and rage that they'd go do it for him, Brennan and her TERFs, however few they are, are doing that exact very thing; Appealing to the fears of gullible people with the intentional and malicious goal of getting trans women hurt or even murdered, while smugly believing their own hands are clean.
Now go back up to the top of the page, and reread those definitions.
And then tell me Brennan and her TERFs are not Terrorists in the purist definition of the word.
Click here to sign a petition to have Brennan's group Gender Identity Watch classified officially as a hate group.
Arguing with Cathy Brennan 101
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Prominent TERF Hatemonger Cathy Brennan being herself. |
Trans Woman; Your statements are ignorant hateful bigotry with no basis in fact.
Brennen; You're a man and a bigot and a racist and I speak for all cis women and lesbians. Also, cis doesn't exist.
Trans Woman; No, you speak fot yourself and your followers only. Cis DOES exist. And exactly how am I racist for pointing out that you're a liar and a bigot?
Cathy Brennan; Stop trying to erase me and replace me with a pink monkey!
Trans Woman: Pink monkey? The hell? When did I ever mention monkeys?
Cathy Brennan; See! You cussed! You're clearly a violernt rapist and want to harm me! I feel threatened!
Trans woman: Wait what? Where did that even come from? I haven't threatened you in ANY way!
Cathy Brennan: Well I'm blocking you now. I've proven you're a violent rapist planning to replace all women with unnaturally coloured primates and EVERYONE can see I'm right. I must now block you for my own safety because you clearly want to rape me. Repeatedly. For weeks on end. Later Mister Pretendbian.
Trans Woman; ............................................................ um............................... what just happened here?
Cathy Brennan,
Hate groups,
A Rebuttal To Errors In Michelle Goldberg's Gender Article For The New Yorker
The Article in question
I have a very huge problem with this article; It's claim that there is documented proof on Twitter and Tumblr that Trans Women regularly and routinely threaten TERFs with grievous bodily harm and even death. The author of the piece unintentionally admits as much by pointing out that it is TERFs cataloging all these threats.
Except no, they aren't. They're INVENTING threats.The supposed "Documentation" on TERF websites? Yeah those are almost all made up. TERFs create sock accounts and fake blogs and literally threaten themselves so they can have "proof" to point to about what violent confused men we all are. And the few cases where a screenshot IS of an actual trans woman? ALWAYS taken out of context. TERFs find trans women on Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook, harass, goad and verbally assault us relentlessly, until in angry frustration we say something to blow off steam, such as "Oh go die in a fire already". The problem is that they screencao and document ONLY the Blowing-Off-Of-Steam, and NOTHING else. Taken so drastically out of context? Of COURSE it looks to the uninformed observer like Trans women are "threatening TERFs with violence". But IN context, viewing the entire exchange in question, the truth always comes out.
There is only ONE proven documented incident of a Trans Woman wishing violence upon TERFs unprovoked, and that was a blogger on Bilerico simply saying she wouldn't lose any sleep if TERFs were all suddenly dead. And after YEARS of abuse and hate from TERFs, it's perfectly understandable why she feels that way.
But the rest? No. EVERY other TERF claim and "evidence" of threats by Trans Women has crumbled under scrutiny. Trans Women are NOT threats in any tangible way to TERFs except Idealistically. A trans woman venting in anger after ceaseless harassment is NOT an actual valid threat of bodily harm. Outing trans women and intentionally putting them in harm's way IS.
TERFs are a DIRECT threat to Trans Women. They Doxx us, outing private pre-transition info that directly puts many trans women in immediate danger of being fired, evicted, beaten, or even MURDERED.
No. This is NOT a "two sides to a story" issue, and there is no "it goes both ways" here. TERFs are the aggressors, Trans Women their targets. And TERFs will not stop until we cease to exist.
We aren't trying to erase their existence. THEY are trying to erase OURS.
Actual quotes from TERF activists online
How TERFs find their "evidence"
Proof of TERFs using Cis Privilege and Doxxing to silence and bully trans women who document their tactics
I have a very huge problem with this article; It's claim that there is documented proof on Twitter and Tumblr that Trans Women regularly and routinely threaten TERFs with grievous bodily harm and even death. The author of the piece unintentionally admits as much by pointing out that it is TERFs cataloging all these threats.
Except no, they aren't. They're INVENTING threats.The supposed "Documentation" on TERF websites? Yeah those are almost all made up. TERFs create sock accounts and fake blogs and literally threaten themselves so they can have "proof" to point to about what violent confused men we all are. And the few cases where a screenshot IS of an actual trans woman? ALWAYS taken out of context. TERFs find trans women on Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook, harass, goad and verbally assault us relentlessly, until in angry frustration we say something to blow off steam, such as "Oh go die in a fire already". The problem is that they screencao and document ONLY the Blowing-Off-Of-Steam, and NOTHING else. Taken so drastically out of context? Of COURSE it looks to the uninformed observer like Trans women are "threatening TERFs with violence". But IN context, viewing the entire exchange in question, the truth always comes out.
There is only ONE proven documented incident of a Trans Woman wishing violence upon TERFs unprovoked, and that was a blogger on Bilerico simply saying she wouldn't lose any sleep if TERFs were all suddenly dead. And after YEARS of abuse and hate from TERFs, it's perfectly understandable why she feels that way.
But the rest? No. EVERY other TERF claim and "evidence" of threats by Trans Women has crumbled under scrutiny. Trans Women are NOT threats in any tangible way to TERFs except Idealistically. A trans woman venting in anger after ceaseless harassment is NOT an actual valid threat of bodily harm. Outing trans women and intentionally putting them in harm's way IS.
TERFs are a DIRECT threat to Trans Women. They Doxx us, outing private pre-transition info that directly puts many trans women in immediate danger of being fired, evicted, beaten, or even MURDERED.
No. This is NOT a "two sides to a story" issue, and there is no "it goes both ways" here. TERFs are the aggressors, Trans Women their targets. And TERFs will not stop until we cease to exist.
We aren't trying to erase their existence. THEY are trying to erase OURS.
Actual quotes from TERF activists online
How TERFs find their "evidence"
Proof of TERFs using Cis Privilege and Doxxing to silence and bully trans women who document their tactics
Michelle Goldberg,
New Yorker,
trans women,
The Very Problematic Thing Disney Needs To Address With "Girl Meets World"
Alright, so, we're a few episodes into Girl Meets World now, and I feel that's shown me enough to come to a few conclusions about the show. It gets a lot of things right, but at least one very troubling thing wrong.
I'll leave singing the show's praises for everything it gets right to other people. And there IS a lot to the show that's good, even great. I want to talk about Farkle here, because Farkle is EXTREMELY problematic.
Farkle is the show's one lone Outdated Stereotype. All the other main characters do a pretty good job of not fitting into a cookie cutter, with the slight exception of Ben Savage veering occasionally into "Hollywood Overprotective Father". But Farkle is a throwback.
Farkle, you see, is the stereotypical "eccentric nerdy lech". He's a boy in Riley's (the Protagonist) class, who is very oddball, weird, nerdy/geeky, and borderline stalkery. The only thing he's missing for the full package is thick taped glasses and a snort laugh.
Farkle has a Stalkery Crush on both Riley and her best friend, frequently and rather arrogantly propositions them to date him/be his girlfriends, and never accepts their rejection as serious. He constantly leers at them and behaves as if by being Farkle (the smart one), he is somehow entitled to their affection and that they will inevitably say yes to him if he refuses to give up trying. Their telling him no has no effect on his resolve, except perhaps to strengthen it.
This behaviour in and of itself is bad enough. The primary audience for this show outside of nostalgic adults who loved it's 90's predecessor Boy Meets World, is pre-teen boys and girls. And that's where the biggest issue I have with Farkle's inappropriate relentless stalkery behaviour lies.
You see Riley's father, played by Ben Savage, (Corey from Boy Meets World all grown up), is RILEY'S TEACHER AT SCHOOL.
That means every day he directly witnesses Farkle bordering on pre-teen sexual harassment towards his daughter and her best friend.
In the 4 episodes that have aired thus far, more than one adult has witnessed Farkle acting in ways towards girls that could legitimately get an adult man slapped or possibly even arrested, adamantly refusing to respect their wishes and stop harassing them for a relationship neither of them want to have with him, and generally be an entitled little shit, and NOT ONE ADULT has told him this behaviour is not okay.
Farkle has done this even in Riley's apartment, in front of her bloody MOTHER, and even SHE has not admonished him for it in even the tiniest way. The adults seem to find his behaviour amusing. Not ONE of them has thus far pulled him aside to talk to him about boundaries and respect.
And the takeaway a LOT of the kids in the audience are going to get from this is that this behaviour is perfectly okay, because even though the girls keep rejecting him, the adults never tell him he's being bad.
For all the awesome stuff the show gets right, (from showing the "bad girl rebel" wanting to do right and be better and just struggling to cope with divorce issues in her family, to the Mom having a good career as a lawyer, to the new kid from Texas defying "Dumb Southerner" stereotypes and subverting him by cheerfully and blatantly pretending to play along with the girl who teases him with said stereotypes because him playing along ruins the joke for her), this one thing that it gets so infuriatingly wrong threatens to overshadow all the good.
Because when it comes right down to it, despite this being ostensibly a Kids Show? This one character and the refusal of the adult characters to deal with his creepy behaviour is reinforcing Rape Culture. And that is something that Disney seriously needs to address and correct.
Because it's 20-effing-14 now, and I shouldn't have to be explaining to my nieces and nephew why the way Farkle behaves is wrong, and why the adults should be talking to him about it.
I'll leave singing the show's praises for everything it gets right to other people. And there IS a lot to the show that's good, even great. I want to talk about Farkle here, because Farkle is EXTREMELY problematic.
Farkle is the show's one lone Outdated Stereotype. All the other main characters do a pretty good job of not fitting into a cookie cutter, with the slight exception of Ben Savage veering occasionally into "Hollywood Overprotective Father". But Farkle is a throwback.
Farkle, you see, is the stereotypical "eccentric nerdy lech". He's a boy in Riley's (the Protagonist) class, who is very oddball, weird, nerdy/geeky, and borderline stalkery. The only thing he's missing for the full package is thick taped glasses and a snort laugh.
Farkle has a Stalkery Crush on both Riley and her best friend, frequently and rather arrogantly propositions them to date him/be his girlfriends, and never accepts their rejection as serious. He constantly leers at them and behaves as if by being Farkle (the smart one), he is somehow entitled to their affection and that they will inevitably say yes to him if he refuses to give up trying. Their telling him no has no effect on his resolve, except perhaps to strengthen it.
This behaviour in and of itself is bad enough. The primary audience for this show outside of nostalgic adults who loved it's 90's predecessor Boy Meets World, is pre-teen boys and girls. And that's where the biggest issue I have with Farkle's inappropriate relentless stalkery behaviour lies.
You see Riley's father, played by Ben Savage, (Corey from Boy Meets World all grown up), is RILEY'S TEACHER AT SCHOOL.
That means every day he directly witnesses Farkle bordering on pre-teen sexual harassment towards his daughter and her best friend.
In the 4 episodes that have aired thus far, more than one adult has witnessed Farkle acting in ways towards girls that could legitimately get an adult man slapped or possibly even arrested, adamantly refusing to respect their wishes and stop harassing them for a relationship neither of them want to have with him, and generally be an entitled little shit, and NOT ONE ADULT has told him this behaviour is not okay.
Farkle has done this even in Riley's apartment, in front of her bloody MOTHER, and even SHE has not admonished him for it in even the tiniest way. The adults seem to find his behaviour amusing. Not ONE of them has thus far pulled him aside to talk to him about boundaries and respect.
And the takeaway a LOT of the kids in the audience are going to get from this is that this behaviour is perfectly okay, because even though the girls keep rejecting him, the adults never tell him he's being bad.
For all the awesome stuff the show gets right, (from showing the "bad girl rebel" wanting to do right and be better and just struggling to cope with divorce issues in her family, to the Mom having a good career as a lawyer, to the new kid from Texas defying "Dumb Southerner" stereotypes and subverting him by cheerfully and blatantly pretending to play along with the girl who teases him with said stereotypes because him playing along ruins the joke for her), this one thing that it gets so infuriatingly wrong threatens to overshadow all the good.
Because when it comes right down to it, despite this being ostensibly a Kids Show? This one character and the refusal of the adult characters to deal with his creepy behaviour is reinforcing Rape Culture. And that is something that Disney seriously needs to address and correct.
Because it's 20-effing-14 now, and I shouldn't have to be explaining to my nieces and nephew why the way Farkle behaves is wrong, and why the adults should be talking to him about it.
The Bug Brennan & Friend Comedy Hour!
So... according to a pair of TERFs on Twitter, (one of whom I'm
pretty certain was Bug Brennan on a sock account), my Twitter Avatar
somehow proves that I'm really an "Autogynophile Man".
Can ANYONE explain this chasm-like leap in logic to me? Do only trans women have breasts and show cleavage or pose sexy? Have
cis women NEVER done this EVER in the history of womankind? Is this one
of their sad deluded "Only a man would pose like this" disconnects from
I know one of the accounts tweeting TERF hate at me was a Bug sock, because she claimed I was a "famous violent autogynophile".
1) I'm nothing CLOSE to famous. I'm barely "vaguely heard of"
2) I'm not violent. I haven't been in a fistfight since my mid-teens. I have NEVER threatened a TERF with harm of ANY kind, nor have I ever taken their bait and harmlessly wished they'd die in a fire so they could twist it into proof of my "violent nature". For Bug to say I'm violent is a pure unadulterated lie to pad her false narrative.
3) I'm not Autogynophilic. Autogynophilia is the act of being sexually aroused by dressing as the opposite sex or imagining being them. It is more common among cis women than cis men, and, despite the claims of bigots, not prevalent among trans people AT ALL. I have never in my life been sexually aroused "by the thought of being a woman". I AM a woman. With next to zero sex drive. On the rare occasions I DO get aroused, it's because a woman I love is getting my motor going. Taking the pic above was NOT done for MY own sexual gratification, it was taken for the benefit of people who love me.It was one of the rare times I felt actually beautiful and so I took pictures for my beloveds.
Bottom line, TERFs have, yet again, proven that they're sad bald-faced liars, and that they need to lie to make their case because proven facts are simply NOT on their side.
If by any chance Bug is reading this, (And I KNOW she is because she's proven she stalks me now, trying to make me one of her poster girls for how Trans Women are "All Violent Men in Drag Out To Rape Women"), I'll make you a challenge.
I will give you my birth name, and leave you free to go digging all you like. You will not find ONE violent incident to my name outside of sealed Juvey records, and I've already publicly discussed the fights in my teens that put me in Juvey. You can dig until you hit molten core and will NEVER find ANY facts to prove your claim about me.
But we both know you won't accept my offer. Because you're a Doxxer. You've likely ALREADY picked through my life with a fine tooth comb looking for something to attack me with. You already KNOW your "Penny is violent" claims are bald-faced lies Bug. If there had been anything you could find that you could actually use, you'd have posted it all over the place.
I scare Cathy Brennan. Not because I'm "violent" as she falsely claims. But because she doesn't know how to discredit me. She doesn't know how to deal with me. My being intersexed is a pertinent reminder that she's wrong about sex and gender being immutable black & white constructs. By just EXISTING I prove Bug a liar and a bigot. And she doesn't know how to dismiss me.
She blocked me on her primary Twitter a few years ago, NOT because she was scared of me for harassing her, as she claims on her "I'm a Victim!" blog. (See my last blog entry for further details on that.). Twitter Records prove SHE was harassing me.
No, she blocked me because I was refusing to play along with her childish goading. She was looking for another "Oh go die in a fire!" tweet she could twist to fit her narrative, goading me with simplistic "your penis proves you're just a man" tweets. I kept replying "But I have a uterus too. By YOUR definition that makes me a "real woman" right?"
She couldn't figure out how to respond to that. And blocked me. And yet since then she's tried AGAIN to pick fights with me on Twitter TWICE, through her sock accounts. And always with her sad ridiculous claim that I'm a famous violent fetishist crossdresser. And every time I completely trounce her, not with fists, but with FACTS.
Because I HAVE the facts. And she does not.
I've said it before, I'll say it again; If you have to make up blatant lies to pad your argument, your argument was never valid in the first place.
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My Twitter Avatar |
I know one of the accounts tweeting TERF hate at me was a Bug sock, because she claimed I was a "famous violent autogynophile".
1) I'm nothing CLOSE to famous. I'm barely "vaguely heard of"
2) I'm not violent. I haven't been in a fistfight since my mid-teens. I have NEVER threatened a TERF with harm of ANY kind, nor have I ever taken their bait and harmlessly wished they'd die in a fire so they could twist it into proof of my "violent nature". For Bug to say I'm violent is a pure unadulterated lie to pad her false narrative.
3) I'm not Autogynophilic. Autogynophilia is the act of being sexually aroused by dressing as the opposite sex or imagining being them. It is more common among cis women than cis men, and, despite the claims of bigots, not prevalent among trans people AT ALL. I have never in my life been sexually aroused "by the thought of being a woman". I AM a woman. With next to zero sex drive. On the rare occasions I DO get aroused, it's because a woman I love is getting my motor going. Taking the pic above was NOT done for MY own sexual gratification, it was taken for the benefit of people who love me.It was one of the rare times I felt actually beautiful and so I took pictures for my beloveds.
Bottom line, TERFs have, yet again, proven that they're sad bald-faced liars, and that they need to lie to make their case because proven facts are simply NOT on their side.
If by any chance Bug is reading this, (And I KNOW she is because she's proven she stalks me now, trying to make me one of her poster girls for how Trans Women are "All Violent Men in Drag Out To Rape Women"), I'll make you a challenge.
I will give you my birth name, and leave you free to go digging all you like. You will not find ONE violent incident to my name outside of sealed Juvey records, and I've already publicly discussed the fights in my teens that put me in Juvey. You can dig until you hit molten core and will NEVER find ANY facts to prove your claim about me.
But we both know you won't accept my offer. Because you're a Doxxer. You've likely ALREADY picked through my life with a fine tooth comb looking for something to attack me with. You already KNOW your "Penny is violent" claims are bald-faced lies Bug. If there had been anything you could find that you could actually use, you'd have posted it all over the place.
I scare Cathy Brennan. Not because I'm "violent" as she falsely claims. But because she doesn't know how to discredit me. She doesn't know how to deal with me. My being intersexed is a pertinent reminder that she's wrong about sex and gender being immutable black & white constructs. By just EXISTING I prove Bug a liar and a bigot. And she doesn't know how to dismiss me.
She blocked me on her primary Twitter a few years ago, NOT because she was scared of me for harassing her, as she claims on her "I'm a Victim!" blog. (See my last blog entry for further details on that.). Twitter Records prove SHE was harassing me.
No, she blocked me because I was refusing to play along with her childish goading. She was looking for another "Oh go die in a fire!" tweet she could twist to fit her narrative, goading me with simplistic "your penis proves you're just a man" tweets. I kept replying "But I have a uterus too. By YOUR definition that makes me a "real woman" right?"
She couldn't figure out how to respond to that. And blocked me. And yet since then she's tried AGAIN to pick fights with me on Twitter TWICE, through her sock accounts. And always with her sad ridiculous claim that I'm a famous violent fetishist crossdresser. And every time I completely trounce her, not with fists, but with FACTS.
Because I HAVE the facts. And she does not.
I've said it before, I'll say it again; If you have to make up blatant lies to pad your argument, your argument was never valid in the first place.
Bug Brennan,
Bug Brennan Lies In Public. In Other News, Water is Wet
So today on Twitter while I was debating with a bigot from National
Review who was spouting some "Trans women are men" crap. I was trouncing
him with proven medical science and he quickjly scurried off
whimpering, unable to retort.
Then lo and behold Bug Brennan, on her GIDWatch account, came out of nowhere with thi tweet;
And linking to the screencap in the middle of my final word on our debate from TWO BLOODY YEARS AGO.
Except this is blatant proof that Bug lies.
Then lo and behold Bug Brennan, on her GIDWatch account, came out of nowhere with thi tweet;
And linking to the screencap in the middle of my final word on our debate from TWO BLOODY YEARS AGO.
Except this is blatant proof that Bug lies.
You see her little caption at the bottom of the screencap? The one that
reads "Only in a male mind would harassing someone into submission and
having them take such measures to avoid interactions in the future be a
Bug harassed ME. Because I was calling out TERF bigotry. SHE started mouthing off at ME on Twitter. Calling me a man, a rapist in a dress, trying to goad me into screaming at her. I didn't "force her to block me to escape my harassment of her", I forced her to block me because I wasn't taking her bait, and she couldn't think of a good reply to me pointing out that I have a uterus.
"LOL Sure you do" is NOT the final tweet of a woman who feels frightened and harassed who is blocking to escape someone she feels terrified will harm her.
It's the parting shot of a troll who's fleeing the fight THEY picked when it becomes clear they're in over their head. Bug does not get harassed. SHE harasses. She attacks, she doxes, she actively encourages violence against trans women. If anyone is violent it's HER.
And her ridiculous assertion that "only a male mind" would view being blocked as a success? PLEASE. I know WAY too many cis women who would outright brag that they got a loudmouthed hateful bigot to block them because they straight up outdebated her.
Bug did not block me because she felt threatened. I never threatened her or even insulted her when she picked a fight with me. She blocked me because I refused to take her bait, and likely because she feared some of her followers might be swayed by my factchecking.
So, any of my cis ladypals want to comment on this blog and tell Bug how wrong she is?
Bug harassed ME. Because I was calling out TERF bigotry. SHE started mouthing off at ME on Twitter. Calling me a man, a rapist in a dress, trying to goad me into screaming at her. I didn't "force her to block me to escape my harassment of her", I forced her to block me because I wasn't taking her bait, and she couldn't think of a good reply to me pointing out that I have a uterus.
"LOL Sure you do" is NOT the final tweet of a woman who feels frightened and harassed who is blocking to escape someone she feels terrified will harm her.
It's the parting shot of a troll who's fleeing the fight THEY picked when it becomes clear they're in over their head. Bug does not get harassed. SHE harasses. She attacks, she doxes, she actively encourages violence against trans women. If anyone is violent it's HER.
And her ridiculous assertion that "only a male mind" would view being blocked as a success? PLEASE. I know WAY too many cis women who would outright brag that they got a loudmouthed hateful bigot to block them because they straight up outdebated her.
Bug did not block me because she felt threatened. I never threatened her or even insulted her when she picked a fight with me. She blocked me because I refused to take her bait, and likely because she feared some of her followers might be swayed by my factchecking.
So, any of my cis ladypals want to comment on this blog and tell Bug how wrong she is?
Bug Brenna,
Hate Speech,
Lying Liars Who Lie,
So Long Aunty Kate
So Kate Bornstein favourited tweets that were directly attacking me
using blatant lies because they supported her "Tranny is okay to say and
you all need to chill" narrative.
That was the final straw to do what I should have done years ago; Excize her from my life. I've been putting it off for the longest time because of her cancer. I didn't want to be the girl who "abandons a friend over a philisophical disagreement". I wanted to be a supportive friend while she fought cancer regardless of how vehemtly I disagreed with her "Tranny" apologism.
That was the final straw to do what I should have done years ago; Excize her from my life. I've been putting it off for the longest time because of her cancer. I didn't want to be the girl who "abandons a friend over a philisophical disagreement". I wanted to be a supportive friend while she fought cancer regardless of how vehemtly I disagreed with her "Tranny" apologism.
But the EwPaul fallout has shown me that you can't be the nice girl
when your friends are actively shooting your legs out from under you.
Kate still, even through her cancer battle, actively promotes myths,
mlies and utter bullshit to defend the use of the word tranny and is
frankly condescending and dismissive of anyone who disagrees. Had she
been ANYONE else that wasn't a friend I'd have blocked her for that shit
YEARS ago.
But when a cis gay male drag queen started concern trolling me oin Twitter over my tweets to Kate imploring her to look at the harm she causes by pimping the word, expressing sympathy for my being hospitalized by a trans bashing but STILL insisting the word was positive despite how my bashers used it, who then started accusing me of "erasing Drag Culture" and somehow bashing Genderqueers and black gay people despite my ONLY ever having talked about the word tranny being a hate word and literally NONE of the shit he started pulling out of his ass, Kate Bornstein, my supposed friend, the woman who rode me like a racehorse to start writing an autobiography because she felt my writing was charming and intelligent and needed to be shared with the world, favourited three tweets where this man was directly personally ad-hominem attacking me because they pimped Kate's "Drag Invented Tranny so Tranny is Okay To Say" meme.
And that was when I realized. Sometimes you CAN'T be the nice girl.
Kate HAVING cancer was not a good enough reason for me to turn a blind eye and overlook her BEING a cancer to trans women. However much I care about her as a person and friend, she clearly cares more about pimping her Tranny narrative than about her friends. She saw me being attacked and she CHEERED THE ATTACKER. Because the attacker supported her narrative and I did not.
And I can no longer blind myself to the cancer of Kate Bornstein's beliefs, and I had to excise it. And so I did.
But when a cis gay male drag queen started concern trolling me oin Twitter over my tweets to Kate imploring her to look at the harm she causes by pimping the word, expressing sympathy for my being hospitalized by a trans bashing but STILL insisting the word was positive despite how my bashers used it, who then started accusing me of "erasing Drag Culture" and somehow bashing Genderqueers and black gay people despite my ONLY ever having talked about the word tranny being a hate word and literally NONE of the shit he started pulling out of his ass, Kate Bornstein, my supposed friend, the woman who rode me like a racehorse to start writing an autobiography because she felt my writing was charming and intelligent and needed to be shared with the world, favourited three tweets where this man was directly personally ad-hominem attacking me because they pimped Kate's "Drag Invented Tranny so Tranny is Okay To Say" meme.
And that was when I realized. Sometimes you CAN'T be the nice girl.
Kate HAVING cancer was not a good enough reason for me to turn a blind eye and overlook her BEING a cancer to trans women. However much I care about her as a person and friend, she clearly cares more about pimping her Tranny narrative than about her friends. She saw me being attacked and she CHEERED THE ATTACKER. Because the attacker supported her narrative and I did not.
And I can no longer blind myself to the cancer of Kate Bornstein's beliefs, and I had to excise it. And so I did.
Trans Issues,
trans shaming,
A Musing on Homelessness and Privilege
Tonight's episode of NCIS has me in angry tears.
I think about homelessness a lot. As a mixed-race overweight lesbian trans woman, I have very little privilege, but what privilege I do have is an accident of birthplace.
My personal privilege is being Canadian. I have access to free healthcare and a government disability pension. And those are literally the ONLY privileges I have in life. And those privileges are mine only because I happened to be lucky enough to be born in a country that has systems in place to help the disabled. And my disabilities are a bonus here, because if I was healthy I'd be homeless, as the welfare system here has a cut-off point. If you're healthy and employable, you find a job within 6 months or you're cut off, end of story. Despite the job market in Canada only being better than the USA in the way a KFC chicken sandwich is less unhealthy than a McDonald's chicken sandwich.
I think about homelessness a lot. As a mixed-race overweight lesbian trans woman, I have very little privilege, but what privilege I do have is an accident of birthplace.
My personal privilege is being Canadian. I have access to free healthcare and a government disability pension. And those are literally the ONLY privileges I have in life. And those privileges are mine only because I happened to be lucky enough to be born in a country that has systems in place to help the disabled. And my disabilities are a bonus here, because if I was healthy I'd be homeless, as the welfare system here has a cut-off point. If you're healthy and employable, you find a job within 6 months or you're cut off, end of story. Despite the job market in Canada only being better than the USA in the way a KFC chicken sandwich is less unhealthy than a McDonald's chicken sandwich.
I am painfully aware that there is a very thing barrier between me
having a roof over my head and decent healthcare and being on the street
or dead. And while it may hurt my American friends and beloveds to read
this, the cold hard fact is that if I were American I'd very likely be
dead by now for lack of healthcare or housing.
Tonight's NCIS made a point about the statistic that on any given night, more than 60'000 army/navy veterans are sleeping on a street. If that's just military homeless, the number of homeless overall must be staggering. Because of my myriad of health issues and my resulting unemployability, and America's very broken system, I'd be homeless, with my illnesses untreated, if I was still alive at all.
The infuriating part is it doesn't need to be that way. In America OR Canada. Homelessness in BOTH countries could be virtually eliminated if conservative right wing politicians and their wealthy leash-holders, like (in Canada), Stephen Harper and Conrad Black, or, (in the USA), Mitch McConnell and the Koch Brothers, ACTUALLY GAVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT ANYONE BUT THEMSELVES, and put their money and power towards eradicating sickness and homelessness, it could so very easily be done. If they cared more about human lives than oil profits and tax havens, about bloated military spending, they could easily make sure every American had a real decent quality of life.
My privilege is that I'm sick enough for my government to grudgingly pay my rent even though it doesn't give me near enough to eat. And it's a tenuous privilege at best. I have been homeless and could be again, and as I can barely function as it is, if I end up on the street, I'm as good as dead. If I lived a few miles south, I already would be.
All because a bunch of rich powerful white men care only about themselves.
And it just makes me so goddamned angry.
Tonight's NCIS made a point about the statistic that on any given night, more than 60'000 army/navy veterans are sleeping on a street. If that's just military homeless, the number of homeless overall must be staggering. Because of my myriad of health issues and my resulting unemployability, and America's very broken system, I'd be homeless, with my illnesses untreated, if I was still alive at all.
The infuriating part is it doesn't need to be that way. In America OR Canada. Homelessness in BOTH countries could be virtually eliminated if conservative right wing politicians and their wealthy leash-holders, like (in Canada), Stephen Harper and Conrad Black, or, (in the USA), Mitch McConnell and the Koch Brothers, ACTUALLY GAVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT ANYONE BUT THEMSELVES, and put their money and power towards eradicating sickness and homelessness, it could so very easily be done. If they cared more about human lives than oil profits and tax havens, about bloated military spending, they could easily make sure every American had a real decent quality of life.
My privilege is that I'm sick enough for my government to grudgingly pay my rent even though it doesn't give me near enough to eat. And it's a tenuous privilege at best. I have been homeless and could be again, and as I can barely function as it is, if I end up on the street, I'm as good as dead. If I lived a few miles south, I already would be.
All because a bunch of rich powerful white men care only about themselves.
And it just makes me so goddamned angry.
And now, a gif of a naked trans woman
Because trans women are beautiful and sexy and we shouldn't have to act
like sexless nuns to be accepted as women and should be as free as any
cis woman to love our bodies without being accused of being men acting
out some sissy fantasy of being sluts.
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